Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Directions in a building

Directions in a building

Carles Mas

-Hi. My name's Carles Mas. I've come about the fob.
-Oh, hi, Carles. Pleased to meet you. I'm Tiri. I'm the manager here. Take a seat.
-Right, let's see. Have you ever worked in a sport shop before?
-No, I haven't.
-And why would you like to work with us?
-Well, I think it's a good shop, and the people here seem friendly.
-And you? What kind of person are you?
-Well, I think I'm sociable and I don't mind working hard.
-Right. Let me tell you a bit about the job...

An informal Interview

An Informal Interview

Carles Mas

-Hi. My name's Carles Mas. I've come about the fob.
-Oh, hi, Carles. Pleased to meet you. I'm Tiri. I'm the manager here. Take a seat.
-Right, let's see. Have you ever worked in a sport shop before?
-No, I haven't.
-And why would you like to work with us?
-Well, I think it's a good shop, and the people here seem friendly.
-And you? What kind of person are you?
-Well, I think I'm sociable and I don't mind working hard.
-Right. Let me tell you a bit about the job...

Giving Advice

Giving Advice


-Hey, Tiri, what's the matter? You look worried. What's the problem?
-Yes, it's my grilfriend. I think she's stealing things. I found ten new DVDs in his room.
-Wow! That's serious! What are you going to do?
-I don't know. What do you think I should do?
-Well, if I were you, I'd speak to him.
-I tried that, but she didn't listen.
-Then you have to try again. Come on- I'll come with you.
-OK. Thanks Carles

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Can you help me?

Jordi: Excuse me. Can you help me? I’m looking for he swiming pool.
Tiri: Ah, yes, the swimming pool is at Central Street. Do you know the street?
Jordi: Not really, no.
Tiri: Let me show you on the map. It’s here, look.
Jordi: Ok. Fantastic. And where’s the best place to go fishing?
Tiri: Erm, there’s a good place here, in Moss.
Jordi: Is that far from here?
Tiri: No, it’s about tree hours by car.
Jordi: Ok, thanks. But I think that it’s a little bit far for me


Jordi: So what are you going to have, Tiri?
Tiri: I’m not sure. The spanish paella looks good.
Jordi: What’s that?
Tiri: That’s a kind of rice with fish.
Jordi: Mmm. That sounds tasty. Well, I’m going to have the pasta and tuna salad.
Chals: Hi. Are you ready to order?
Jordi: Erm, yes. Can we have a Spanish paella and a pasta and tuna salad?
Chals: One Spanish paella and one pasta and tuna salad. Thanks very much.


Jordi: Do you know all the people here, Tiri?
Tiri: Yes, I know most people. Why?
Jordi: Which one is Mary Popins?
Tiri: Mary? She’s standing over there.
Jordi: What does she look like?
Tiri: She’s quite short, with straight dark hair.
Jordi: Oh yes, I can see her. What’s she like?
Tiri: She’s very cheerful. She’s energetic, but she’s also a little bit prepotent.
Jordi: And has she got a boyfriend?
Tiri: Yes Tiri. He’s the blonde, good-looking guy who’s standing next to her. Bad luck Jordi.